Product Update Announcement

Product Update Announcement

This announcement addresses the product updates to LUOTO II climbing arch and KAURA II cushion. While the previous versions of the products met all EU safety standards and regulations for children's products, four areas were identified where safety could be further improved, even though these are not specifically covered by current standard tests or the toy directive. With this in mind, we have developed updated versions to provide even safer user experience. Below, you’ll find the four key improvements we’ve made.

  • Reduced Risk of Finger and Toe Pinching:

    LUOTO II climbing arch has been equipped with specially designed wedges to prevent rocking motion entirely. Additionally, new protective felt pads can be attached under the arch to reduce wear and soften the contact between the arch and the ground, addressing concerns about pinching risks. Meanwhile, KAURA II cushion now features new attachment straps in the middle, ensuring it stays securely in place while rocking, which prevents the cushion from shifting and reduces the risk of fingers getting caught in the rungs during use.

  • Minimized Risk of Clothing Entanglement:

    The number of rungs has been increased to 19, aligning the top ones with the tabletop, which significantly reduces the risk of clothing becoming entangled in the rocking position.

  • Changed Rung Spacing:

    The gap between the rungs has been reduced to less than 6 cm for a better climbing experience, ensuring that even the smallest children cannot fall through.

  • Improved Cushion Attachments:

    New attachment straps in the middle ensure a more secure fit on the climbing arch, keeping it better in place during rocking. Even if the cushion is misused and kept in place in the climbing position, these straps prevent it from falling down. However, the cushion should only be used in the rocking position, not in other configurations, as stated in the instruction manual.

These updates have been designed to provide an even safer and more enjoyable experience for users.

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Product Safety Announcement


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